Showing 271 - 280 of 5611
Importance of Wallet Recovery in Humanitarian Contexts
- Course Humanitarian Action in the Digital Age
- Course instructor(s) G. Castella, S. Loeffelmann-Sepahi, P. Stoll
- Language English
- Category Computer engineering Philosophy
- LevelHors Programme
- Humanitarian aid
- Data Protection Directive
- Information privacy
- Password
- General Data Protection Regulation
Sensitivity of Phases to Drying Techniques
- Course Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious Materials
- Course instructor(s) K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, A. Favier, X. Li
- Language English
- Category Chemistry Agricultural and food sciences
- LevelMaster
- Carbonate
- Calcium carbonate
- Sodium carbonate
- Quartz
- Freeze drying
Choix du site d'un lotissement
- Course Villes africaines I: Introduction à la planification urbaine
- Course instructor(s) J. Chenal
- Language French
- Category Sociology Anthropology
- LevelMaster
- Urban planning
- Environmental issues
- Environmental protection
- Environmental justice
- Africa
Calcium Dynamics in Action Potentials
- Course Cellular mechanisms of brain function
- Course instructor(s) C. Petersen
- Language English
- Category Biology
- LevelMaster
- Action potential
- Voltage-gated calcium channel
- Synaptic vesicle
- Chemical synapse
- Sodium channel
Neurotransmitter Release in Motor Neurons
- Course Cellular mechanisms of brain function
- Course instructor(s) C. Petersen
- Language English
- Category Biology
- LevelMaster
- Acetylcholine
- Neurotransmitter
- Synaptic vesicle
- Neuromuscular junction
- Synapse
Unique Thumbnails in Brain Data
- Course The Multi-scale brain
- Course instructor(s) S. Hill, T. Gilbert, F. Collman, T. Bakken, A. Destexhe
- Language English
- Category Health sciences
- LevelMaster
- T cell
- Cell-mediated immunity
- Adaptive immune system
- T helper cell
- Natural killer cell
Relaxation Time in Water Types
- Course Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious Materials
- Course instructor(s) K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, A. Favier, X. Li
- Language English
- Category Chemical engineering
- LevelMaster
- Cement
- Portland cement
- Atom
- Water
- Reinforced concrete
Complexe TCR
- Course Introduction à l'immunologie: aspects fondamentaux
- Course instructor(s) B. Lemaitre, C. Nyen, A. Duval
- Language French
- Category Health sciences
- LevelBachelor
- Major histocompatibility complex
- Adaptive immune system
- T cell
- CD8
- Immunodeficiency
Évaluation de l'état
- Course Introduction à l'immunologie: méthodes et applications médicales
- Course instructor(s) B. Lemaitre, C. Nyen, A. Duval
- Language French
- Category Health sciences
- LevelBachelor
- Immunodeficiency
- Immunological memory
- Vaccination
- Adaptive immune system
- Vaccine hesitancy
Importance of Privacy
- Course Humanitarian Action in the Digital Age
- Course instructor(s) G. Castella, S. Loeffelmann-Sepahi, P. Stoll
- Language English
- Category Computer engineering
- LevelHors Programme
- Right to privacy
- Privacy law
- Information privacy
- Internet privacy
- Human