Showing 281 - 290 of 5611
Cooling Technology and Beneficiaries
- Course Technology Innovation For Sustainable Development
- Course instructor(s) K. Schoneberger, S. Makohliso
- Language English
- Category Health sciences
- LevelHors Programme
- Vaccine
- COVID-19 vaccine
- Vaccine hesitancy
- Polio vaccine
- MRNA vaccine
Membrane Potential and Ion Movement
- Course Cellular mechanisms of brain function
- Course instructor(s) C. Petersen
- Language English
- Category Biology
- LevelMaster
- Ion
- Membrane potential
- Resting potential
- Action potential
- Reversal potential
Bande passante du signal
- Course Information, Calcul, Communication: Introduction à la pensée informatique
- Course instructor(s) O. Lévêque
- Language French
- Category Physics
- LevelBachelor
- Second
- Time
- Frequency
- Time zone
- Signal
Forces sur un projectile en rotation
- Course Mécanique: Changement de Référentiel et Relativité
- Course instructor(s) J. Ansermet
- Language French
- Category Physics
- LevelPropedeutic
- Coriolis force
- Centrifugal force
- Rotating reference frame
- Reactive centrifugal force
- Fictitious force
Caractéristiques des villes africaines
- Course Cellular mechanisms of brain function
- Course instructor(s) C. Petersen
- Language English
- Category Biology
- LevelMaster
- Long-term potentiation
- Chemical synapse
- Synapse
- Neural facilitation
- Synaptic plasticity
Microstructure of C-S-H
- Course Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious Materials
- Course instructor(s) K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, A. Favier, X. Li
- Language English
- Category Earth science
- LevelMaster
- Precipitation
- Precipitation (chemistry)
- Precipitation types
- Crystal structure
- Precipitation hardening
Time-scale of Synaptic Dynamics
- Course Cellular mechanisms of brain function
- Course instructor(s) C. Petersen
- Language English
- Category Biology
- LevelMaster
- Long-term depression
- Synaptic plasticity
- Long-term potentiation
- Synapse
- Chemical synapse
Effect of B0 on T1
- Course Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging : Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Course instructor(s) R. Gruetter
- Language English
- Category Physics
- LevelBachelor
- Magnetic hysteresis
- Magnetization
- Magnet
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Magnetic field
Refinement Parameters for Cementitious Materials
- Course Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious Materials
- Course instructor(s) K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, A. Favier, X. Li
- Language English
- Category Earth science
- LevelMaster
- Scale factor (cosmology)
- Powder diffraction
- Unit cell
- Crystal structure
- Cleavage (geology)
Latent Variable in Hybrid Choice Models
- Course Selected Topics on Discrete Choice
- Course instructor(s) M. Bierlaire
- Language English
- Category Statistics
- LevelMaster
- Dependent and independent variables
- Discrete choice
- Endogeneity (econometrics)
- Instrumental variables estimation
- Linear regression