Showing 251 - 260 of 5611
Properties of the Phospholipid Bilayer
- Course Cellular mechanisms of brain function
- Course instructor(s) C. Petersen
- Language English
- Category Biology
- LevelMaster
- Cell membrane
- Semipermeable membrane
- Membrane potential
- Lipid bilayer
- Peripheral membrane protein
XRD Sample Preparation
- Course Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious Materials
- Course instructor(s) K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, A. Favier, X. Li
- Language English
- Category Mathematics
- LevelMaster
- Smoothness
- Smooth structure
- Infrared spectroscopy
- Diamond anvil cell
Understanding MEV Models
- Course Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious Materials
- Course instructor(s) K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, A. Favier, X. Li
- Language English
- Category Chemical engineering
- LevelMaster
- Cement
- Portland cement
- Scanning electron microscope
- Ionization
- Reinforced concrete
Chloride Concentration in Neurons
- Course Cellular mechanisms of brain function
- Course instructor(s) C. Petersen
- Language English
- Category Biology Chemistry
- LevelMaster
- Chloride
- Brain
- Neuron
- Calcium chloride
- Human brain
Exemples de machines à états finis
- Course Le robot Thymio comme outil de découverte des sciences du numérique
- Course instructor(s) M. Picasso
- Language French
- Category Mechanical engineering Physics
- LevelBachelor
- Robot
- Industrial robot
- Finite-state machine
- Clock
- Drill
Understanding Volume Transmission
- Course Cellular mechanisms of brain function
- Course instructor(s) C. Petersen
- Language English
- Category Biology
- LevelMaster
- Chemical synapse
- Neurotransmitter
- Synapse
- Synaptic vesicle
- Exocytosis
Fineness of Powder for XRD Treatment
- Course Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious Materials
- Course instructor(s) K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, A. Favier, X. Li
- Language English
- Category Military science Earth science
- LevelMaster
- Gunpowder
- Powder
- Baking powder
- Electron-beam processing
- Particle beam
Strengths of the Needle Model
- Course Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious Materials
- Course instructor(s) K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, A. Favier, X. Li
- Language English
- Category Chemical engineering
- LevelMaster
- Cement
- Portland cement
- Reinforced concrete
- Subatomic particle
- Particle
Concrete Carbon Footprint
- Course Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious Materials
- Course instructor(s) K. Scrivener, R. Snellings, A. Favier, X. Li
- Language English
- Category Sociology Environmental science
- LevelMaster
- Environmental issues
- Carbon footprint
- Environmental impact assessment
- Human impact on the environment
- Greenhouse gas emissions
Attuatori di Thymio
- Course Il robot Thymio come strumento di scoperta delle scienze digitali
- Course instructor(s) F. Mondada
- Language Italian
- Category Mechanical engineering
- LevelHors Programme
- Robot
- Industrial robot
- Actuator
- Linear actuator
- Rotary actuator