Showing 5421 - 5430 of 5611
Somme directe de sous-groupes
- Course Théorie des groupes
- Course instructor(s) K. Hess
- Language French
- Category Economics
- LevelBachelor
- Option style
- Option (finance)
- Put option
- Real options valuation
- Quotient ring
Visibilité du Nyiragongo
- Course Systèmes d'Information Géographique - Partie 2
- Course instructor(s) S. Joost, M. Soutter
- Language French
- Category Mathematics Earth science
- LevelBachelor
- Geographic data and information
- Geographic information science
- Module (mathematics)
- Projective module
- Flat module
Rendre le laboratoire plus basé sur l'enquête
- Course Analyse I
- Course instructor(s) P. Wittwer
- Language French
- Category Mathematics
- LevelBachelor
- Injective function
- Monotonic function
- Surjective function
- Real number
- Bounded function
Limitations of Fluid Plasma Description
- Course Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics
- Course instructor(s) A. Fasoli
- Language English
- Category Physics
- LevelHors Programme
- Tokamak
- Electron cyclotron resonance
- Magnetic confinement fusion
- Nuclear fusion
- Magnetic mirror
Advantages of ECRH Modes
- Course Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics
- Course instructor(s) A. Fasoli
- Language English
- Category Physics
- LevelHors Programme
- Tokamak
- Magnetic confinement fusion
- Microwave
- Nuclear fusion
- Magnetic mirror
Isomorphisme des groupes abéliens
- Course Théorie des groupes
- Course instructor(s) K. Hess
- Language French
- Category Mathematics Chemistry
- LevelBachelor
- Éléments de géométrie algébrique
- Ab initio
- Graph isomorphism problem
Couches du module
- Course Systèmes d'Information Géographique - Partie 2
- Course instructor(s) S. Joost, M. Soutter
- Language French
- Category Statistics
- LevelBachelor
- Geographic data and information
- Standard deviation
- Geographic information science
- Geographic coordinate system
- Standard error
Calcul de l'intégrale
- Course Analyse I
- Course instructor(s) P. Wittwer
- Language French
- Category Mathematics
- LevelBachelor
- Sine and cosine
- Function (mathematics)
- Gamma function
- Domain (mathematical analysis)
- Asymptotic analysis
Solutions du système différentiel
- Course Analyse I
- Course instructor(s) P. Wittwer
- Language French
- Category Mathematics
- LevelBachelor
- Bijection
- Injective function
- Bijection, injection and surjection
- Surjective function
- Real number
Interpolation des pixels
- Course Systèmes d'Information Géographique - Partie 2
- Course instructor(s) S. Joost, M. Soutter
- Language French
- Category Mathematics Earth science
- LevelBachelor
- Pixel
- Geographic data and information
- Geographic information science
- Interpolation
- Multivariate interpolation